[L to R] Jack Gocher, marketing communications manager and Craig Brown, CEO of BSGA

The British Sign and Graphics Association (BSGA) will have its own space in the Exhibitors’ Lounge at The Print Show where it will highlight the benefits of being a member.

Located on Stand E34, the Association will be on hand to discuss the various issues affecting the sign industry, as well as providing visitors with more information on joining.

The BSGA has also announced plans to grow its management team this year, starting with Jack Gocher, editor of Eye on Display. Gocher joins the team as marketing communications manager and will produce a range of content for members and the industry, highlighting the association’s services, events, and activities.

Gocher comments: “Through its members, the BSGA has an incredible store of knowledge, experience, and expertise that it wants to share within the community. My role is to help the industry better understand what the BSGA does and the benefits of being involved.”

Craig Brown, chief executive officer of the BSGA, adds: “The Print Show is a fantastic opportunity to speak to people about our achievements, plans, and ambitions as we move into a new era for the association. The show allows us to communicate our achievements and plans and demonstrate the many benefits of being part of our community.”

Brown continues: “Looking at the choice of what is available to sign-makers can be quite daunting. The BSGA will be available throughout the show to offer a listening ear and some sound advice to help them grow and develop their business. We are keen to talk to people about the benefits of joining our trade association.

“The larger and more diverse we are, the more we are a voice for the industry. Our role is to offer advocacy and representation for our members to promote their best interests to governments, policymakers, regulatory bodies, and specifiers.”

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